Sunday, January 30, 2011

John Cage

September 5, 1912 – August 12, 1992

John Cage was an artist but wasn't a painter. Glenn talked a little about him in class and he talked about this certain piece above played by an orchestra watch it and you will be confused. The piece is called "4'33" and it is not meant to be 4 min 33 sec of silence but its meant for you to hear ur surroundings and all the natural sounds around you.It just goes to show how something so pointless can be so brilliant in the eyes of certain people. here he talks of how he looks at it.

I personally like this piece from him its weird and very simple but theirs something about it that i like.
I know that after watching these videos alot of you will have something to say because this guy is one of a kind.


  1. I like how he is a different and not your usual "artist" his pieces convey such a unique sense about them and that is what really is awesome!

  2. This video seriously is life changing. I don't know if this is the point, but I made my own symphony, my own songs. All the sounds around me, I made part of this "song" they were playing. It leaves it up to the imaginitive mind, as to what they want to hear. LOVE IT!
